Senin, 13 September 2010


To draw glass not really difficult, the key is know where the reflection come. Here step by step to draw glass.

Step 1:

Choose the color, i use #CCCCCC. Then make a simple layout. No need to very neat, because we will clean it up latter.

Step 2:
Give black color (#333333) in the side glass (click , 3 times) trim the side of the glass using eyedrop tool (click e)

Step 3:
Make the button of glass more transparent by giving the glass white color (use ,)

Step 4:

Make handle of glass use (#333333) color.

Step 5:

Step 6:


Jumat, 10 September 2010

Joker (advance) Sketch Practice

Let's practice drawing Joker

Step 1
 Put base color

Step 2
 Draw base sketch
You must really watch carefully range between eyelid, nose, range between nose and lips, and lips range it's self.

Step 3
Joker really have heavy makeup, so we need to give him a make up, let's starting with white color.

Step 4
Drawing joker's eyes not really difficult, just use black color and give white light reflection with give a single tips of white. The position of light reflection is the most important at drawing eye.

Step 5
Drawing lips, upper lips of joker is more dark than lower lips, last touch is lighting by giving white strip color in the lower lips.

Step 6

Now time to make a real shape of face, we just need to control lighting and shadow effect. Look at the red sign, i give more attention in giving lighting effect at that point.

Step 7
Finishing step, just make more precise at some spot.

Step 8
Drawing hair by mouse maybe little difficult, but if you have tablet hair will not really difficult. (I draw this using mouse). Control the opaque to draw back ground hair (use less opaque). Once your hair finish, give little brush of background color at the end (tips) of hair to make hair look more realistic (not really stiff).

Step 9
Drawing card

Step 10
red circle sign where you must put the light effect

Step 11

Last touch, use eyedroppers tool "e" at the card to copy card color and make the middle finger behind the card. 

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Wolf Sketch Practice

Let's draw this picture.

First step:

Use black color #000000 then click "<" 5 times, now you ready to draw. 

Second step

Draw the eye first, but it's up to you, we can starting from wherever we like, but i prefer the eyes first.

Third Step

Draw nose, mouth, and simple fur, do not forget about ears. 

Forth Step

Give simple color, be careful to coloring fur. Give more dark color by coloring twice at the same spot.

Fifth Step 

once again, use "<" to give shadow at the fur, and to draw eye, you can use brown color, black, and white. I'll explain how to draw eye in next practice. For now just simply give dark to the eye and then put some white line at the lower eye to give light effect.

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Lighting Effect

The provision of light is one of the key in drawing objects, effects of light that you draw can show you the material in the picture.

I'll give you example

when you see this marble, what do you think? First it's made from metal, and the light come from upper right. Yes, when you want to give light effect, you must know where the light come from.

Learn To Combine Color

In drawing, coloring is one of my favorite,coloring pictures can show the characteristic of our personality. 

Aurora Borealis or rainbow maybe the most easy picture to show you how to blend CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow,  key) color directly. what is meant by the key is black, where black color has a role in determining the light. We will learn about the importance of light in lesson 4.

You can check this link to learn how to draw this picture:

Drawing Tool

Drawing tools to be used only the mouse or you can use a tablet if you have them.

Make A Line

The first lesson is how to make a straight line. Make a straight line is a thing which has their own difficulty level, but the only way to master it is by constant practice. Try not to use a ruler to make straight lines. The trick to making a straight line is to make the line fast. Do not worry if the lines look less straight, if you have mastered how to create almost a straight line we can proceed to the next lesson.

About This Blog

Arthow is a tool for people who want to learn to draw. Arthow provide training from the basics of drawing up the final steps of completion. Arthow also provide some links that you can use to draw. In the drawing there is no exact science on how we should use in imaging an object, therefore Arthow only will guide you to find your drawing style. I really hope this blog useful to you, happy learning.